Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 9 2014' Evening Bayfield bus, 30 years and shorter'

While standing in the line waiting for the bus, a young lady standing behind me asked if I was Nigiel. She remembered me from going to vacation bible school more than 35 years ago at Advent Avenue. I initially thought that she was an adventist and a member of Advent but she later related that she was not an Adventist but just a young child from the community who went to VBS with me at the same church. I'm sure that I had seen her some time in the line before, and the face was vaguely familiar, but with my poor long term memory, I could never be sure.

What surprised me the most was that after all these years she still remembered my name. She guessed it as Nigiel Barrow but I corrected her on the surname. When I asked how she was able to recollect me after all those years, she said that I had not changed in the 30 years, but had only gotten a little shorter! When she explained where she lived, at the top of the 4th Avenue Alleyne's Land, I had a vague recollection of some people from the area, but had guessed the wrong house.

It's just amazing the impact you can make on people's lives and the lasting memories that are made by simple interactions daily.

Today, while paying a bill at Courts, I happened to see a member of the SLC bus posse, who remembered me. It was the mother of little Jamilla, Comp's baby friend. I asked how J was, and she said she was fine now and had fully recovered from her bout of gastro. When asked if she was back out to the nursery she said not yet, as she was home with her father this week. Regarding going back to the nursery where she got sick, she was adamant that the baby was not returning to that place.

There's a saying that we have one chance to make a first impression. Do you ever consider what impression you make on others and conversely what impression do you form of others you meet?

It felt good, to be remembered after all those years by name. It reminded me of the Book of Remembrance God has, I hope that mine in filled with the collection of good and kind deeds done. What about you?

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