Thursday, March 13, 2014

March 13 2014 ' seating disorder'

Today, there was complete disorder in the seating arrangements on the bus. Before the bus came, a few of the regulars were there, MS, Comp and a new young woman with a toddler and a little boy. Everyone was taken with the cute features of the baby girl, who had two poofs like Mikey Mouse and a cute pink suit and socks. Comp started to wave at the baby and make all sorts of baby cooing sounds, which had me a little embarrassed and which surprisingly made the baby start to smile. I immediately started to wonder if the baby was smiling because she was in the comfort of her mother's arms or if she was laughing at comp. The baby's gaze seemed fixed on her and she would at times duck into her mother's bosom playfully hiding.

As the bus came we boarded with MS taking the lead and Comp and me following. At the farebox when MS paid her fare the paper roll broke and the driver had to stand to fix the machine. Comp at this time takes the opportunity to try to persuade the driver that as the machine was broken, we should not have to pay any fares. The driver however is not convinced by this argument and fixes the machine tape and shows how to remove the receipt without jamming the machine. Final attempts to convince the driver fail and Comp pays with the driver pulling a receipt for her.

First thing we noticed was the seating order disarray. As is the new norm, R2 is in row 1, but R2L is back out again. Comp decides to go to the back of the bus with MS and I follow. While passing I explain to R2L that we're sitting in the back today and looking a little surprised she nods. Comp sits in row 7, one ahead of MS and I decide to sit with P on the other side of the aisle. R2L visibly confused and looks back and mouths to Comp,"your sitting very far back, today".

P is also surprised, as she cannot understand why 1) We are so far back in the bus and 2) Why I'm not sitting with comp. She questions me as to why I'm sitting next to her and leaving Comp alone and suggests that I should move over to keep Comp's company. She was also listening to music and had taken off the headphones to speak to me. I assumed that she wanted to continue listening to her music undisturbed and so I moved over next to Comp. To be honest, she was looking a little dejected and miserable in the seat all alone, so I probably saved her from falling into a bout of depression.

At the corner, Comp saw the beacon of the east, miles away and said that NC/ ANC was taking the bus today. When she got in she was clearly confused  about where everybody was and sat next to R2L. On looking around and seeing us in the back, she said something to R2L and made her way to the back also. She took a seat behind me and next to MS.

When the black plastic bag was opened,  ANC  and I both got our mints. I asked for one for R2L , which I had to get up and deliver to the front of the bus and  I offered one to P who accepted. Comp took hers and proclaimed that the bag was getting low. 

At the Cutter's stop, BDD got on board and was also a victim of the disarray, She looked around and not seeing the crew, took a seat in row 1 in front of R2L. It was amazing that in getting in and seeing the familiar R2L in the seat she waved and smiled warmly. Being informed that we were in the back, she afterwards looked back and gave us a smile and wave also.

At the Hedding's corner, we saw the student in the tight jeans get on board and take her seat in the reserved seats.  She too obviously missed the crew, but a little later hears the voices in the back and looks in our direction. On seeing the gang in the back she waves and says a hello to everyone.

It was indeed  a good feeling to know that all the regulars and members on the mint gang, were looking for us today, when we were not in our regular places. It was also heartening to know that on exiting they took time to say goodbye as they left.

When P left, she gave a wink, as she made her way to the door. When R2L left she gave a wave and a 'have a good day'. I replied with a 'same to you'. And as ANC was about to leave, I reminded her that BDD was still in the bus and that she should tell her goodbye. So, as NC stepped out the bus she waved to BDD from outside the bus. I couldn't see the response , but I'm sure that the gesture was returned. Comp then decides that BDD should not be deprived her mint and went back into the black bag to get one. As she was nearing her stop, she went to the door and handed one to BDD still sitting in her seat. 

So today, even amidst the chaos, contact was still made with all. The only one excluded was  the tight jeaned student, who will have to get a double share on the next occasion.

Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.God saw that the light was good, Gen 1:3-4

In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. Mat 5:16

Tener un buen día!

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