Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 25 2014 'disclosure'

Today, the realization came to mind that next week might be the last travelling with Comp on the SLC. This would make a definite change to the morning commute and hence I need to consider how to address this issue.

As we got on the bus, the same Bush Hall driver was on duty again today. I greeted and told him that he was working the route very often, to which he made a reply that I did not hear clearly. Row 1 was partially occupied on both sides and Row2 was in her place, R2L was absent. Comp decided to go further in the back of the bus to row 5 left, 2 behind the door, but I decided to stay up front in the "Promised Land". It is my belief that my territory is in the first rows (1 and 2 of both sides). This position give me a comfortable view of the journey and also the placement to assist anyone in need, such as the elderly, sick or pregnant ladies, who are ignored by the uncompassionate. Also the seat by row2 was vacant and I wanted to talk to her.

So whilst Comp went to the back, I asked for an excuse and took my seat. After enquiring about how was the weekend, I decided to bring R2 up to date on the whole bus character saga. I explained to her that she has been nicknamed by us as R2, because she sits in that position always and about my self and Comp. She learned about the derivation of the name Comp (companera) from the spanish for buddy and I being companero. I told her about NC (non-Companera), R2L , Rosemary or (AC, Alternative companera) and intruder. She seemed quite intrigued by the whole naming process and I further gave her our speculation on how she shifts position from row 2 to 1. She agreed with me that if row 2 was occupied she would move to row 1. She learned that in those cases, she would be called row2.1.

As we moved through the various districts, I pointed out to her the various characters as they came on board. She saw "sleepy head" and the Kolij twins. I showed her Julianna lookalike and the place where BDD gets on board. Next was 'spa girl and at the Heddings corner, "slim jeaned student". She  got a full rundown on the main characters and took it all in stride.  To change the tone,  I introduced some Cawmere comments and then I asked her about her kindle reading and offered her my top two sites for getting free kindle books. I noted them on a slip of paper and gave to her. I don't know if she would visit them, but next time I see her, I'll be sure to ask what she thought of them.  By the time she got to her stop, surprisingly she said, 'goodbye' and left.

By this time I had BBMed NC, to find out if she was off today since I didn't see her on the bus. I had to give my seating position and an update on the latest bus news. The conversation centered on Comp's pending absence and how that would change the chronicles and who would be my next travelling buddy. 

(For Comp's eyes only)
He llegado a la conclusión y hemos acordado que no puede ser reemplazado. Como miembro fundador del equipo de autobús, usted es insustituible y todos los días va a ser considerado en alta estima.

From our conversation (NC and I) it was agreed that the chronicles will continue even if Comp is absent and the others will be incorporated into the crew. Next I heard the familiar outburst of laughter in the back of the bus and knew that had to be only one person. I sent her a text to let her know she was disturbing me to which she replied sorry.

After, R2  and Comp left, I conversed with NC until the terminal. We at least have a plan for next week.

Que Dios los bendiga!

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